What's in store for ad spend for the rest of Q4?


Take an exclusive look into holiday season media trends.

With the constant shifts in the media landscape, no one can eliminate the unpredictability of trends—especially with the added volatility caused by the holiday season. We can, however, create enough visibility to give ample response time by leveraging the latest and most accurate ad spend data.

What can we do to anticipate the changes to occur as 2023 comes to an end? The answers can be found in our latest e-book, Guideline Q4 Advertising Outlook: Seasonal Cheer Ahead. Download now to better understand market fluctuations, know what to expect, and use your newfound knowledge to pace ahead in 2024.

“It is striking to see forward bookings for national linear TV down almost 15 percent in Q4. Ratings erosion limits TV supply, which keeps prices from dropping too drastically. Meanwhile, Guideline's data show modest spending growth in OTT, but that does not keep pace with the growing ad supply, which means buyers have an opportunity in streaming.”   - Michael O'Connor, EVP, Video Investment, Horizon Next


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