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Witness the NFL Multiplier Effect in Action

The NFL sets the bar for all sports and media content. But where does that bar fall?

[SBM] LP NFL Insights 12 (1)

Did you know that the 2023-24 season set a new ad revenue record for the NFL, with live game TV revenue hitting $5 billion for the first time?

The NFL’s domination of media doesn’t end there, and it isn’t limited to football season. Moreover, the NFL commands 43 percent of all National TV sports dollars throughout the year, and a whopping 65 percent during their season.

What do these figures mean for media buyers, sellers, and planners? Guideline’s NFL Sales Outreach Report shows you what sets this league apart from other major sports, complete with in-depth data revealing:

  • Network, game, team, and product category ad spend leaders.
  • Comparative ad revenue by publisher.
  • The highest-grossing teams and game matches.
  • The biggest media events and their ad revenue.

Download the full report for all the latest data illustrating the legendary NFL multiplier effect, plus additional insights on what this phenomenon means for the rest of the media world.

Download the full report today!